SEO Resources – SEO Tools, Advice and Lots of Helpful Stuff
Search engine optimization is a discipline that continues to be regarded as some kind of black art or mysterious practice of dark magic. SEO has actually been around for a number of years, spawned I suppose around the same time as search engine popularity. Google just celebrated its 10th anniversary. Aaron Wall and his popular SEO Book have been around since 2003, providing much advice along the way. Showing us how relevant content is what SEO is all about, he has managed to garner about 527,304 links back to that site, according to another excellent source of SEO information, The estimated value of is: $1,454,420 – according to
I believe that Mr. Wall is a good choice for the first of many links I will promote on these SEO resources pages, making his link share 527,305. And why not? Maybe he'll even return the favour some day. I thought about categorizing these SEO resource links but decided that there's really no need to since – to borrow a favourite expression of my kids – "It's all good!" So, their order is pretty much random. Just for the fun of it, I decided to use the first 55 characters (or less if the total is under 55) of the title of each website (the number of characters that Google apparently recognizes or gives value to for the anchor text of links). If some of these links don't seem to make sense that is why. Perhaps someone should inform the site owners.